Rory Gallagher
Big Guns

Rory Gallagher - Big Guns

  • Format: MP3
  • not rated
  • Added July 6, 2007


1. Rory Gallagher - 01 - The Loopnot rated0:00
2. Rory Gallagher - 02 - Born On The Wrong Side Of Timenot rated0:00
3. Rory Gallagher - 03 - A Million Miles Awaynot rated0:00
4. Rory Gallagher - 04 - Calling Cardnot rated0:00
5. Rory Gallagher - 05 - Out On The Western Plainnot rated0:00
6. Rory Gallagher - 06 - Lonesome Highwaynot rated0:00
7. Rory Gallagher - 07 - Just The Smilenot rated0:00
8. Rory Gallagher - 08 - I'm Not Awake Yetnot rated0:00
9. Rory Gallagher - 09 - Daughter Of The Evergladesnot rated0:00
10. Rory Gallagher - 10 - I'll Admit You're Gonenot rated0:00
11. Rory Gallagher - 11 - The King Of Zydeconot rated0:00
12. Rory Gallagher - 12 - They Don't Make Them Like You Anymorenot rated0:00

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