Complete list of bmf's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Rowland, MikeThe Fairy RingMagical Elfin Collection8:20not ratedCD1992
Rowland, MikeTitaniaMagical Elfin Collection3:35not ratedCD1992
Rowland, MikeTitaniaMagical Elfin Collection10:24not ratedCD1992
Roxy MusicLove is the drugSongs of the seventies - Volume 6not ratedCD2002
Royal GuardsmenSnoopy vs the Red BaronSongs of the sixties - Volume 2 1967-1968not ratedCD2002
Royal GuardsmenSnoopy vs the Red Baron (Christmas song)Songs of the sixties - Volume 1 1964-1966not ratedCD2002
Royal, Billie JoeDown in the boondocksMillennium hits from the 60's3:34not ratedCD1999
RubettesSugar Baby Love100+1 Wereldhits Deel 43:29not ratedCD1997
RubettesSugar Baby LoveVoor Vader3:27not ratedCD1994
Rush, JenniferThe power of loveKnuffelrock 2not ratedCD1993
Rush, TomDriving WheelFill Your Head With Rock5:09not ratedCD1970
Russell, CalvinThis Is Your WorldHighway Rock4:39not ratedCD1994
Russell, JohnnyJambalayaCountry Gold2:18not ratedCD1988
Russell, JohnnyKing Of The RoadCountry Gold2:23not ratedCD1988
Ryan, BarryAlimony honey bluesThe very best of Barry Ryan2:47not ratedCD1992
Ryan, BarryAll thoughts of timeThe very best of Barry Ryan3:42not ratedCD1992
Ryan, BarryCan't let you goThe very best of Barry Ryan2:58not ratedCD1992
Ryan, BarryEloiseThe very best of Barry Ryan5:45not ratedCD1992
Ryan, BarryGive me a signThe very best of Barry Ryan3:01not ratedCD1992
Ryan, BarryI'm sorry SusanThe very best of Barry Ryan2:27not ratedCD1992
Ryan, BarryIt is writtenThe very best of Barry Ryan3:41not ratedCD1992
Ryan, BarryIt's a wild worldThe very best of Barry Ryan3:29not ratedCD1992
Ryan, BarryKitschThe very best of Barry Ryan4:16not ratedCD1992
Ryan, BarryL.A. womanThe very best of Barry Ryan3:17not ratedCD1992
Ryan, BarryLlaniaThe very best of Barry Ryan3:43not ratedCD1992

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