Complete list of bmf's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Magna CartaTime For The LeavingSeasons/Songs from Wasties Orchard4:13not ratedCD4/26/1999
Magna CartaTomorrow's Up for SaleLord of the Ages/Martin's Cafe2:58not ratedCD1999
Magna CartaTwo Old FriendsLord of the Ages/Martin's Cafe3:36not ratedCD1999
Magna CartaWayfarin'Seasons/Songs from Wasties Orchard3:50not ratedCD4/26/1999
Magna CartaWhite Snow DoveSeasons/Songs from Wasties Orchard2:08not ratedCD4/26/1999
Magna CartaWish It WasLord of the Ages/Martin's Cafe3:39not ratedCD1999
Magna CartaWon't Set the World on FireLord of the Ages/Martin's Cafe3:33not ratedCD1999
Magna CartaYou Are Only What You AreLord of the Ages/Martin's Cafe3:45not ratedCD1999
Mahal, TajhSix Days On The RoadFill Your Head With Rock3:03not ratedCD1970
Mailer Mckenzie BandRed roverSongs of the sixties - Volume 4 1969-1970not ratedCD2002
Mamas & PapasMonday MondaySounds of the Sixties Superhits CD 13:27not ratedCD2001
ManassasAnywayManassas3:21not ratedCD1972
ManassasBlues ManManassas4:04not ratedCD1972
ManassasBoth Of Us (Bound To Lose)Manassas3:00not ratedCD1972
ManassasBound To FallManassas2:52not ratedCD1972
ManassasBusiness On The StreetDown the Road2:55not ratedCD1973
ManassasCity JunkiesDown the Road2:50not ratedCD1973
ManassasColoradoManassas4:00not ratedCD1972
ManassasDo You Remmber The AmericansDown the Road2:05not ratedCD1973
ManassasDon't Look At My ShadowManassas2:30not ratedCD1972
ManassasDown The RoadDown the Road3:16not ratedCD1973
ManassasFallen EagleManassas3:00not ratedCD1972
ManassasGuaguanco De VeroDown the Road2:51not ratedCD1973
ManassasHide It So DeepManassas2:31not ratedCD1972
ManassasHow FarManassas4:17not ratedCD1972

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