Complete list of bmf's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Led ZeppelinThank YouLed Zeppelin II4:49not ratedCD1969
Led ZeppelinThat's The WayLed Zeppelin III5:37not ratedCD1970
Led ZeppelinThe Battle Of EvermoreLed Zeppelin IV5:52not ratedCD1971
Led ZeppelinThe CrungeHouses Of The Holy3:17not ratedCD1973
Led ZeppelinThe Lemon SongLed Zeppelin II6:19not ratedCD1969
Led ZeppelinThe OceanHouses Of The Holy4:31not ratedCD1973
Led ZeppelinThe Rain SongHouses Of The Holy7:39not ratedCD1973
Led ZeppelinThe Song Remains The SameHouses Of The Holy5:30not ratedCD1973
Led ZeppelinWhat Is And What Should Never BeLed Zeppelin II4:45not ratedCD1969
Led ZeppelinWhen The Levee BreaksLed Zeppelin IV7:08not ratedCD1971
Led ZeppelinWhole Lotta LoveLed Zeppelin II5:34not ratedCD1969
Led ZeppelinYou Shook MeLed Zeppelin6:27not ratedCD1969
Led ZeppelinYour Time Is Gonna ComeLed Zeppelin4:34not ratedCD1969
Ledin & Agnetha Fδltskog, ThomasNever AgainGouden Duetten3:55not ratedCD1993
Leeuw, Paul de't Is of de wereld vergaatVoor U, Majestietnot ratedCD1991
Leeuw, Paul de't Is of de wereld vergaatPlugged3:02not ratedCD1993
Leeuw, Paul de't Is of de wereld vergaatVan U wil ik zingen3:30not ratedCD1992
Leeuw, Paul deAan de andere kant van de heuvelsParaCDmol3:15not ratedCD1994
Leeuw, Paul deAlleen maar zonVan U wil ik zingen3:10not ratedCD1992
Leeuw, Paul deAls ik je verliezen moetVan U wil ik zingen3:22not ratedCD1992
Leeuw, Paul deAls ik vrijen wilParaCDmol3:40not ratedCD1994
Leeuw, Paul deAnnieFilmpje! De originele soundtraclnot ratedCD1995
Leeuw, Paul deAnnie in loveFilmpje! De originele soundtraclnot ratedCD1995
Leeuw, Paul deBarcaruala a due voiciPlugged2:06not ratedCD1993
Leeuw, Paul deBejaardenVoor U, Majestietnot ratedCD1991

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