Complete list of bmf's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Kane, AmoryThe Inbetween ManFill Your Head With Rock2:54not ratedCD1970
KansasDust in the windKnuffelrock 1not ratedCD1992
Kante, MoryYιkι Yιkι100+1 Wereldhits Deel 43:56not ratedCD1997
KayakRuthless queenPop van eigen bodem4:50not ratedCD1999
KayakRuthless queenSongs of the seventies and eightiesnot ratedCD2002
KayakSeagullSongs of the seventies and eightiesnot ratedCD2002
KayakStarlight dancerSongs of the seventies - Volume 6not ratedCD2002
Keith, BarbaraThe bramble and the roseSilver Meteor - A Progressive Country Anthology2:50not ratedCD12/15/2011
Kelly, CaseyA good love is like a good songSilver Meteor - A Progressive Country Anthology2:34not ratedCD12/15/2011
Kelly, CaseySilver meteorSilver Meteor - A Progressive Country Anthology3:30not ratedCD12/15/2011
Kennedy, MikeLouisianaSongs of the sixties - Volume 4 1969-1970not ratedCD2002
Kentucky ColonelsA beautiful lifeLong Journey Home1:58not ratedCD1964
Kentucky ColonelsAuld Lang SyneLong Journey Home3:20not ratedCD1964
Kentucky ColonelsBallad Of Farmer BrownKentucky Colonels2:07not ratedCD1964
Kentucky ColonelsBeaumont RagLong Journey Home1:58not ratedCD1964
Kentucky ColonelsBill CheathamLong Journey Home2:53not ratedCD1964
Kentucky ColonelsBilly In The Low GroundKentucky Colonels1:38not ratedCD1964
Kentucky ColonelsBrakeman's BluesLong Journey Home3:15not ratedCD1964
Kentucky ColonelsChicken ReelLong Journey Home2:06not ratedCD1964
Kentucky ColonelsClinch Mountain Back StepKentucky Colonels2:02not ratedCD1964
Kentucky ColonelsFaded LoveKentucky Colonels2:24not ratedCD1964
Kentucky ColonelsFarewell BluesLong Journey Home1:58not ratedCD1964
Kentucky ColonelsFlat ForkKentucky Colonels2:19not ratedCD1964
Kentucky ColonelsFlat ForkLong Journey Home1:36not ratedCD1964
Kentucky ColonelsFootprints in the SnowLong Journey Home2:08not ratedCD1964

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