Complete list of blackbiker's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
TourniquetSola ChristusVanishing Lessons5:01not ratedMP3
TourniquetSomnambulismStop the Bleeding4:38not ratedMP31990
TourniquetSpectrophobic DementiaPathogenic Ocular Dissonance5:16not ratedMP31994
TourniquetSpinelessPsycho Surgery5:11not ratedMP31991
TourniquetStereotaxic AtrocitiesPsycho Surgery4:22not ratedMP31991
TourniquetStudio FunIntense Live Series0:17not ratedWMA
TourniquetStumblefootCrawl to China3:40not ratedMP31997
TourniquetSwarming SpiritsStop the Bleeding3:23not ratedMP31990
TourniquetTears of KorahStop the Bleeding6:20not ratedMP31990
TourniquetTears of Korah (Demo 1990)Stop the Bleeding6:33not ratedMP31990
TourniquetThe MessiahIntense Live Series4:51not ratedWMA
TourniquetThe Sheezix DilemmaIntense Live Series7:37not ratedWMA
TourniquetThe Tell-Tale HeartCrawl to China5:15not ratedMP31997
TourniquetThe TempterIntense Live Series6:10not ratedWMA
TourniquetThe Test for LeprosyStop the Bleeding4:38not ratedMP31990
TourniquetThe Test For Leprosy (Live 2000)Stop the Bleeding5:20not ratedMP31990
TourniquetThe Threshing FloorStop the Bleeding4:12not ratedMP31990
TourniquetTheodicy of TrialPathogenic Ocular Dissonance4:29not ratedMP31994
TourniquetTire KickingCrawl to China3:44not ratedMP31997
TourniquetTrivializing the Momentous, Complicating the ObviousAcoustic Archives6:35not ratedMP3
TourniquetTwilightVanishing Lessons4:01not ratedMP3
TourniquetTwilightVanishing Lessonsnot ratedMP3
TourniquetTwilightAcoustic Archives4:01not ratedMP3
TourniquetVanishing LessonsAcoustic Archives5:19not ratedMP3
TourniquetVanishing LessonsVanishing Lessons4:21not ratedMP3

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