Complete list of blackbiker's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The GatheringNighttime BirdsNighttime Birds7:02not ratedCD1997
The GatheringNo Bird CallThe West Pole5:40not ratedMP32009
The GatheringNo One SpokeThe West Pole4:34not ratedMP32009
The GatheringOn DelayBeautiful Distortionnot ratedMP32022
The GatheringOn Most Surfaces (Inuït)Nighttime Birds6:54not ratedCD1997
The GatheringPale TracesThe West Pole7:48not ratedMP32009
The GatheringPulse Of LifeBeautiful Distortionnot ratedMP32022
The GatheringSand and MercuryMandylion9:57not ratedCD1995
The GatheringSand and MercuryMandylion9:57not ratedMP31995
The GatheringShortest DayBeautiful Voices Vol 24:07not ratedMP32006
The GatheringShrinkGoth Metal Balladsnot ratedMP3
The GatheringShrinkNighttime Birds4:02not ratedCD1997
The GatheringStrange MachinesMandylion6:04not ratedCD1995
The GatheringStrange MachinesWhat's Up 44:21not ratedCD1996
The GatheringStrange MachinesMandylion6:04not ratedMP31995
The GatheringStrongerBeautiful Distortionnot ratedMP32022
The GatheringThe Earth Is My WitnessNighttime Birds5:31not ratedCD1997
The GatheringThe May SongNighttime Birds3:44not ratedCD1997
The GatheringThe West PoleThe West Pole6:37not ratedMP32009
The GatheringThird ChanceNighttime Birds5:25not ratedCD1997
The GatheringTravelHighway Stars9:08not ratedMP3
The GatheringTreasureThe West Pole4:08not ratedMP32009
The GatheringWe RiseBeautiful Distortionnot ratedMP32022
The GatheringWeightlessBeautiful Distortionnot ratedMP32022
The GatheringWhen Trust Becomes SoundThe West Pole3:53not ratedMP32009

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