Complete list of blackbiker's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The AwakeningMartyrBeyond The Fountain (The Fountain EP and Sentimental Runaways EP) (Compilation)5:05not ratedMP32001
The AwakeningMartyrSacrificial Etchings (Compilation)5:05not ratedMP32003
The AwakeningMartyrThe Fountain (EP)5:05not ratedMP32001
The AwakeningMartyr (2014(Anthology xv4:58not ratedMP32013
The AwakeningMirror TricksRoadside Heretics4:05not ratedMP32002
The AwakeningMirror Tricks (xv)Anthology xv4:08not ratedMP32013
The AwakeningMissing ChaptersThe Fourth Seal of Zeen5:09not ratedMP32000
The AwakeningMy WorldRoadside Heretics4:06not ratedMP32002
The AwakeningMy World (Apocalyptic Version0Anthology xv4:08not ratedMP32013
The AwakeningMystRequest3:54not ratedMP31998
The AwakeningNakedEthereal Menace4:26not ratedMP31999
The AwakeningNightfallRisen0:34not ratedMP31997
The AwakeningNo ReasonRisen4:21not ratedMP31997
The AwakeningNostalgiaEthereal Menace5:58not ratedMP31999
The AwakeningNothing Like The RainTales Of Absolution + Obsoletion4:08not ratedMP32009
The AwakeningOblivionRazor Burn4:55not ratedMP32006
The AwakeningOne More CrucifixionDarker Than Silence3:33not ratedMP32006
The AwakeningOpenTales Of Absolution + Obsoletion4:02not ratedMP32009
The AwakeningOther GhostsChasm4:22not ratedMP32018
The AwakeningPage 3Darker Than Silence2:19not ratedMP32006
The AwakeningPast IdolRisen4:00not ratedMP31997
The AwakeningPrayer For The SongTales Of Absolution + Obsoletion3:06not ratedMP32009
The AwakeningPrecious ( - )The Fourth Seal of Zeen7:24not ratedMP32000
The AwakeningPrecious (a shard)The Fourth Seal of Zeen2:38not ratedMP32000
The AwakeningProphetThe Fourth Seal of Zeen5:19not ratedMP32000

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