Subway to Sally
Album 1994

Subway to Sally - Album 1994

  • Genre: Folk Rock/Blues
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 53:51
  • not rated
  • Added July 15, 2013


1. Ascending the Haughs O'Cromdale (Intro)not rated1:49
2. Rainmannot rated5:09
3. Queen of Argyllnot rated5:19
4. John Barleycorn (The Reincarnation) / Wellington Advancednot rated6:17
5. Elvis Livesnot rated2:11
6. Planxt-chennot rated0:20
7. An der Zeitnot rated3:38
8. Traum vom Todnot rated4:15
9. Die Braut (Das Fleisch muss kalt sein)not rated2:41
10. The Keach in the Creelnot rated3:04
11. Bonnie Johnnie Lowrienot rated4:53
12. Down the Linenot rated4:43
13. But We Don't Knownot rated4:18
14. Where Is Lucky? (A Foreign Face in a Foreign Land)not rated5:14

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