Complete list of birdienumnums-vinyl's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Frankie And The Witch FingersDon't Need SleepHeavy Roller**** 1/2LP7/29/2016
Frankie And The Witch FingersDracula DrugZAM8:51****LP3/1/2019
Frankie And The Witch FingersElectric SeanceFrankie And The Witch Fingers3:02**** 1/2LP2015
Frankie And The Witch FingersFlower PedalsFrankie And The Witch Fingers3:04*** 1/2LP2015
Frankie And The Witch FingersFuzz GodHeavy Roller****LP7/29/2016
Frankie And The Witch FingersGet DownHeavy Roller**** 1/2LP7/29/2016
Frankie And The Witch FingersHead CollectorZAM5:43****LP3/1/2019
Frankie And The Witch FingersI AmZAM1:08**** 1/2LP3/1/2019
Frankie And The Witch FingersI Am Underneath YouThe Reverb Conspiracy Volume Six10:37**** 1/2LP2019
Frankie And The Witch FingersIce Cream ManHeavy Rollernot ratedLP7/29/2016
Frankie And The Witch FingersIn Your HeadFrankie And The Witch Fingers4:19**** 1/2LP2015
Frankie And The Witch FingersKnife FightFrankie And The Witch Fingers2:34****LP2015
Frankie And The Witch FingersLou ReedFrankie And The Witch Fingers4:13****LP2015
Frankie And The Witch FingersLovelyHeavy Roller****LP7/29/2016
Frankie And The Witch FingersMantraHeavy Roller****LP7/29/2016
Frankie And The Witch FingersMerry Go RoundHeavy Rollernot ratedLP7/29/2016
Frankie And The Witch FingersMotorcycleFrankie And The Witch Fingers2:35**** 1/2LP2015
Frankie And The Witch FingersNeed SomebodyHeavy Roller****LP7/29/2016
Frankie And The Witch FingersPleasureZAM3:53**** 1/2LP3/1/2019
Frankie And The Witch FingersPurple VelvetZAM4:45**** 1/2LP3/1/2019
Frankie And The Witch FingersRealizationZAM4:40**** 1/2LP3/1/2019
Frankie And The Witch FingersRevivalFrankie And The Witch Fingers3:12****LP2015
Frankie And The Witch FingersRiseHeavy Roller**** 1/2LP7/29/2016
Frankie And The Witch FingersSmilingFrankie And The Witch Fingers5:27*** 1/2LP2015
Frankie And The Witch FingersThe VibeHeavy Roller**** 1/2LP7/29/2016

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