Complete list of birdienumnums-vinyl's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
YazooWinter KillsUpstairs At Eric's4:06****LP8/23/1982
YazzThe Only Way Is UpThe Greatest Dance Album In The World!not ratedLP1992
Yazz & The Plastic PopulationThe Only Way Is UpNow That's What I Call 40 Years: Volume 1 1983-19934:00**** 1/2LP11/24/2023
Yazz & The Plastic PopulationThe Only Way Is Up80s Hits The Collection3:56**** 1/2LP11/10/2023
Yazz and the Plastic PopulationBad House MusicThe Only Way is Up 7"not rated7" Single1988
Yazz and the Plastic PopulationThe Only Way is UpThe Only Way is Up 7"not rated7" Single1988
Yeah Yeah YeahsHeads Will Roll (A-Trak Remix Radio Edit)Indie Disco Anthems**** 1/2LP4/14/2023
Years & YearsKingTens Collectednot ratedLP7/8/2022
YeasayerAmen & GoodbyeAmen and Goodbye0:49not ratedLP2016
YeasayerChild ProdigyAmen and Goodbye1:00not ratedLP2016
YeasayerCold NightAmen and Goodbye4:13not ratedLP2016
YeasayerComputer Canticle 1Amen and Goodbye0:29not ratedLP2016
YeasayerDaughters of CainAmen and Goodbye1:54not ratedLP2016
YeasayerDead Sea ScrollsAmen and Goodbye3:25not ratedLP2016
YeasayerDivine SimulacrumAmen and Goodbye2:56not ratedLP2016
YeasayerGerson's WhistleAmen and Goodbye5:07not ratedLP2016
YeasayerHalf AsleepAmen and Goodbye4:17not ratedLP2016
YeasayerI Am ChemistryAmen and Goodbye5:01not ratedLP2016
YeasayerProphecy GunAmen and Goodbye3:59not ratedLP2016
YeasayerSilly MeAmen and Goodbye3:23not ratedLP2016
YeasayerUmaAmen and Goodbye3:13not ratedLP2016
Yeh Chia-HsiuUntitled (Wu Ti)Min Yao Feng 2not ratedLP1979
YelloLa HabaneraThe Mighty Quinn Soundtrack LP5:11*LP1989
YelloOh YeahFerris Bueller's Day Off OST3:06*****LP2014
YelloOh YeahLife Moves Pretty Fast: The John Hughes Mixtapesnot ratedLP11/11/2022

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