Complete list of birdienumnums-vinyl's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Operation IvyKnowledgeEnergy1:40*****LP1989
Operation IvyMissionaryEnergy2:05****LP1989
Operation IvyOne Of These DaysEnergy1:05**** 1/2LP1989
Operation IvyRoom Without A WindowEnergy1:31***LP1989
Operation IvySmilingEnergy1:44****LP1989
Operation IvySound SystemEnergy2:14*****LP1989
Operation IvyTake WarningEnergy2:44**** 1/2LP1989
Operation IvyThe CrowdEnergy2:10**** 1/2LP1989
Operation IvyUnityEnergy2:13****LP1989
Operation IvyVulnerabilityEnergy1:58***LP1989
Opposite SexSupermarketT E M P O R A R Y2:23***LP9/16/2014
OpusLive Is LifeLive Is Life4:15**** 1/27" Single1984
OpusUp And DownLive Is Life3:49****7" Single1984
Opus IIIIt's A Fine DayThe Best of Dance 92 LPnot ratedLP1992
Oracle O.CryingCracking The Eyes3:31*** 1/2LP2013
Oracle O.Doom Doom LandCracking The Eyes4:22****LP2013
Oracle O.Mr. SomethingCracking The Eyes5:43****LP2013
Oracle O.PrefaceCracking The Eyes1:25****LP2013
Oracle O.Rosy PrincessCracking The Eyes3:46**** 1/2LP2013
Oracle O.SomewhereCracking The Eyes5:13***LP2013
Oracle O.ThunderCracking The Eyes4:18*** 1/2LP2013
Oracle O.Unlimited LouCracking The Eyes2:35****LP2013
Oracle O.Voodoo WalkCracking The Eyes4:35**** 1/2LP2013
Oracle O.We're No GoodCracking The Eyes2:48****LP2013
OrangeAgainst NatureThe Complete Recordings (1990-1994)*****LP2016

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