Complete list of birdienumnums-vinyl's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Northern Picture LibraryLove Song for the Dead Che no. 1Love Song for the Dead Che 12"3:44not rated12" Single1993
Northern Picture LibraryLove Song for the Dead Che no. 2Love Song for the Dead Che 12"3:05not rated12" Single1993
Northern Picture LibraryLuckyAlaska4:49not ratedLP1993
Northern Picture LibraryLucky (Reprise)Alaska1:39not ratedLP1993
Northern Picture LibraryNorfolk WindmillsParis*** 1/27" Single9/1994
Northern Picture LibraryOf Traffic And The TickingAlaska2:55not ratedLP1993
Northern Picture LibraryParisParis*****7" Single9/1994
Northern Picture LibrarySignsLast September's Farewell Kiss 7"4:40*** 1/27" Single1994
Northern Picture LibrarySkylightAlaska3:59not ratedLP1993
Northern Picture LibraryThe Way That Stars DieLove Song for the Dead Che 12"7:20not rated12" Single1993
Northern Picture LibraryTruly Madly DeeplyAlaska4:36not ratedLP1993
Northern Picture LibraryUntitled #1Alaska0:39not ratedLP1993
Northern Picture LibraryUntitled #2Alaska0:58not ratedLP1993
Northern Picture LibraryUntitled no. 3Blue Dissolve 12" EP5:03***12" Single1994
Northern PortraitBon Voyage!Pretty Decent Swimmers3:18**** 1/210" Single1/22/2013
Northern PortraitGreetings From ParisPretty Decent Swimmers3:02**** 1/210" Single1/22/2013
Northern PortraitHappy Nice DayPretty Decent Swimmers3:29**** 1/210" Single1/22/2013
Northern PortraitI Feel Even BetterPretty Decent Swimmers4:15**** 1/210" Single1/22/2013
Northern PortraitLife Returns To NormalLife Returns To Normal4:05**** 1/27" Single10/2010
Northern PortraitSome PeopleLife Returns To Normal3:39*** 1/27" Single10/2010
NorthsideShall We Take a Trip14 Hottest Rave Hits LP4:21**** 1/2LP1990
Nouvelle VagueAlgo FamiliarI Could Be Happy4:19**** 1/2LP11/2016
Nouvelle VagueAll Cats Are GreyI Could Be Happy3:44**** 1/2LP11/2016
Nouvelle VagueAll My Colours3**** 1/2LP2009
Nouvelle VagueAmoureux SolitairesVersion Francaise2:09***LP9/2020

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