Complete list of birdienumnums-vinyl's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Musical YouthGive Love a ChancePass the Dutchie 7"3:40not rated7" Single1982
Musical YouthPass The DutchieHoliday Hits3:22****LP1986
Musical YouthPass the DutchiePass the Dutchie 7"3:23not rated7" Single1982
Musical YouthPass The DutchieThe Complete Reggae Music Album3:23*****LP1985
Musical YouthPass The DutchieStranger Things 4: Soundtrack From The Netflix Series3:22**** 1/2LP11/4/2022
Musical YouthThe Youth Of TodayThe Complete Reggae Music Album2:53**** 1/2LP1985
MusiqueIn The BushStaying Alive Volume 17:41*****LP1990
MusiqueIn The BushThis Is It! 20 Of The Hottest Hits Around3:01**** 1/2LP1979
My Chemical RomanceBulletproof HeartDanger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys LP4:55****LP11/22/2010
My Chemical RomanceDESTROYADanger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys LP4:29*** 1/2LP11/22/2010
My Chemical RomanceGoodnite, Dr. DeathDanger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys LP0:34** 1/2LP11/22/2010
My Chemical RomanceHome of the BraveDanger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys LP1:18***LP11/22/2010
My Chemical RomanceJet-Star And The Kobra Kid/Traffic ReportDanger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys LP0:26***LP11/22/2010
My Chemical RomanceLook Alive, SunshineDanger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys LP0:38***LP11/22/2010
My Chemical RomanceNa Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys LP3:15**** 1/2LP11/22/2010
My Chemical RomanceParty PoisonDanger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys LP3:37****LP11/22/2010
My Chemical RomancePlanetary (GO!)Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys LP4:06*** 1/2LP11/22/2010
My Chemical RomanceS/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/WDanger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys LP4:27**** 1/2LP11/22/2010
My Chemical RomanceSave Yourself, I'll Hold Them BackDanger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys LP3:48****LP11/22/2010
My Chemical RomanceSINGDanger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys LP4:29**** 1/2LP11/22/2010
My Chemical RomanceSummertimeDanger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys LP4:08****LP11/22/2010
My Chemical RomanceThe Kids From YesterdayDanger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys LP5:25**** 1/2LP11/22/2010
My Chemical RomanceThe Only Hope For Me Is YouDanger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys LP4:30****LP11/22/2010
My Chemical RomanceVampire MoneyDanger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys LP3:34**** 1/2LP11/22/2010
My Invisible FriendEndlessThe Reverb Conspiracy Volume Four9:00*****LP11/17/2016

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