Complete list of birdienumnums-vinyl's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Monster MovieThe CollapseTransistor***LP11/10/2017
Monster MovieThe Family PlotTransistor****LP11/10/2017
Monster MovieThe Same AgainLast Night Something Happened (Expanded)****LP2002
Monster MovieThe Same AgainLast Night Something Happened LP2:23****LP2002
Monster MovieThe World CollapsedEveryone is a Ghost LP3:56not ratedLP2010
Monster MovieTransistorTransistor*** 1/2LP11/10/2017
Monster MovieTrappedKeep The Voices Distant2:41**** 1/2LP3/31/2017
Monster MovieWaitingLast Night Something Happened (Expanded)*****LP2002
Monster MovieWaitingLast Night Something Happened LP2:54*****LP2002
Monster MovieWinter Is ComingLast Night Something Happened LP5:07**** 1/2LP2002
Monster MovieWinter Is ComingLast Night Something Happened (Expanded)****LP2002
MontereyAnother YouThe Motorway EP1:58not rated7" Single1999
MontereyI Don't MindThe Motorway EP1:59not rated7" Single1999
MontereyMotorwayThe Motorway EP2:42not rated7" Single1999
Monty PythonA Fairy TaleMonty Python's Previous Record6:45not ratedLP1973
Monty PythonA Massage / City Noises QuizMonty Python's Previous Record1:30not ratedLP1973
Monty PythonA Minute PassedMonty Python's Previous Record1:20not ratedLP1973
Monty PythonAbattoireAnother Monty Python Recordnot ratedLP1970
Monty PythonAlbatrossMonty Python Live At Drury Lane1:15not ratedLP1974
Monty PythonAlways Look on the Bright Side of LifeAlways Look on the Bright Side of Life 7''3:28not rated7" Single1991
Monty PythonArgumentMonty Python Live At Drury Lane2:55not ratedLP1974
Monty PythonArgument ClinicMonty Python's Previous Record3:40not ratedLP1973
Monty PythonAustralian Table WinesMonty Python's Previous Record1:45not ratedLP1973
Monty PythonBarber, TheMonty Python's Flying Circus1:43not ratedLP1970
Monty PythonBe A Great ActorAnother Monty Python Recordnot ratedLP1970

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