Complete list of birdienumnums-vinyl's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Julee CruiseFallingFloating Into The Night5:18*****LP1989
Julee CruiseFallingFloating Into The Night LP5:22**** 1/2LP1989
Julee CruiseFloatingFloating Into The Night LP4:52**** 1/2LP1989
Julee CruiseFloatingFloating Into The Night4:51*****LP1989
Julee CruiseFloatingFalling 12"4:51**** 1/212" Single1989
Julee CruiseI Float AloneFloating Into The Night LP4:34**** 1/2LP1989
Julee CruiseI Float AloneFloating Into The Night4:33*****LP1989
Julee CruiseI RememberFloating Into The Night LP4:12****LP1989
Julee CruiseI RememberFloating Into The Night4:11****LP1989
Julee CruiseInto The NightFloating Into The Night4:42*****LP1989
Julee CruiseInto The NightFloating Into The Night LP4:43*****LP1989
Julee CruiseMysteries Of LoveFloating Into The Night LP4:26*** 1/2LP1989
Julee CruiseMysteries Of LoveFloating Into The Night4:27*** 1/2LP1989
Julee CruiseRockin' Back Inside My HeartFloating Into The Night LP5:46**** 1/2LP1989
Julee CruiseRockin' Back Inside My HeartFloating Into The Night5:45*****LP1989
Julee CruiseThe NightingaleFloating Into The Night LP4:54**** 1/2LP1989
Julee CruiseThe NightingaleFloating Into The Night4:54*****LP1989
Julee CruiseThe SwanFloating Into The Night LP2:31**LP1989
Julee CruiseThe SwanFloating Into The Night2:28**LP1989
Julee CruiseThe World SpinsFloating Into The Night LP6:37**** 1/2LP1989
Julee CruiseThe World SpinsFloating Into The Night6:38**** 1/2LP1989
Julee CruiseTwin Peaks Theme (Instrumental)Falling 12"5:05**** 1/212" Single1989
Julia RobertMud GirlThe Reverb Conspiracy Volume Six5:01****LP2019
Julian BreamLute Suite No. 1: Bourree (Jethro Tull's Bourree)Heavy Hits: Great Music That Inspired Today's Hits1:32not ratedLP6/1971
Julie DriscollThe Wheels On FireRemember The 60's (Volume 3)****LP1983

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