Shrieks (11 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
IrukaEssayLP1986not rated44:45
IrukaFollow MeLP10/5/1981not rated
IrukaFrom the Forests of Bohemia WHITECD1977****
IrukaHeart LandLP4/21/1985*** 1/2
IrukaIruka No SekaiLP3/5/1975*****40:48
IrukaJuliaLP6/25/1982**** 1/243:41
IrukaLittle Sky (Chiisana Sora) BLUELP1978**** 1/235:55
IrukaPerson of My DreamsLP1975**** 1/2
IrukaShokubutsushi (Botanical Note)LP1977not rated41:03
IrukaTo My Dearest Friend (Waga Kokoro no Tomo e)LP1980**** 1/238:26
ShrieksIruka no Uta (Songs of the Dolphin)LP1976**** 1/234:30