Paul McCartney (18 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Paul & Linda McCartneyRamLP1971**** 1/243:10
Paul McCartneyComing Up 7"7" Single1980***11:34
Paul McCartneyMcCartneyLP1970not rated
Paul McCartneyMcCartney TWLP7/1970not rated
Paul McCartneyPipes of Peace 7"7" Single1983*** 1/2
Paul and Linda McCartneyUncle Albert/Admiral Halsey 7"7" Single1971****8:56
WingsBand On The RunLP1973****40:46
WingsBand On The RunLP1973not rated44:40
WingsGoodnight Tonight 7"7" Single1979* 1/2
WingsI've Had Enough7" Single1978**** 1/27:19
WingsListen to What the Man Said 7"7" Single1975** 1/2
WingsMull of Kintyre 7"7" Single1977***
WingsVenus And Mars TWLP1975not rated42:47
WingsWild LifeLP1971not rated36:54
WingsWings At The Speed Of Sound TWLP7/1976**** 1/2
WingsWings GreatestLP1978not rated54:01
WingsWings Greatest TWLP1976not rated54:01
WingsWings' Greatest LPLP1978**** 1/254:38