Yuki Miyamae
Ai o Shirishi Toki (When Love is Known)

Yuki Miyamae - Ai o Shirishi Toki (When Love is Known)

  • Release date: 1/21/1976
  • Genre: Country/City Pop
  • Format: LP
  • Category: J-Pop
  • Duration: 44:11
  • ****
  • Added January 20
  • Rated January 20


1. Yukisaki Nashi no Kisha (Me and Bobby McGee)not rated4:29
2. Omae to Nashville (You and Nashville)not rated3:11
3. Yubiwa (Ring)not rated4:11
4. Natsu no Roku Shuukan (Six Weeks Every Summer)not rated4:29
5. Shoujo e no Sayonara (Goodbye to the Girl)****3:49
6. Watashi wa Utau (Delta Dawn)**** 1/23:31
7. Tabidachi (Departure)not rated4:00
8. Ai o Shirishi Toki (I Never Had It So Good)not rated4:20
9. Itoshisa (Blanket on the Ground)not rated3:39
10. Modokashisa (Frustration)not rated4:46
11. Tokai Gurashi (City Life)not rated3:46

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