Complete list of bindlestiff's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Mabel ScottFool Burro1951-1955 Blues & Rhythm Classics @1922:48not ratedMP3
Mabel ScottI Wanna Be Loved, Loved, Loved1951-1955 Blues & Rhythm Classics @1922:24not ratedMP3
Mabel ScottJust the Way You Are1951-1955 Blues & Rhythm Classics @1922:12not ratedMP3
Mabel ScottMabel Blues1951-1955 Blues & Rhythm Classics @1922:56not ratedMP3
Mabel ScottMabel's Blues1951-1955 Blues & Rhythm Classics @1922:37not ratedMP3
Mabel ScottMr FineVoodoo Voodoo Feisty Fifties Females 3@3202:52not ratedMP32014
Mabel ScottMr. Fine1951-1955 Blues & Rhythm Classics @1922:52not ratedMP3
Mabel ScottNo More Cryin' Blues1951-1955 Blues & Rhythm Classics @1923:13not ratedMP3
Mabel ScottShut Eye1951-1955 Blues & Rhythm Classics @1922:33not ratedMP3
Mabel ScottShut-EyeVoodoo Voodoo Feisty Fifties Females 3@3202:33not ratedMP32014
Mabel ScottSomebody Goofed1951-1955 Blues & Rhythm Classics @1922:37not ratedMP3
Mabel ScottTake Me Love1951-1955 Blues & Rhythm Classics @1922:34not ratedMP3
Mabel ScottWailin' Daddy1951-1955 Blues & Rhythm Classics @1922:53not ratedMP3
Mabel ScottYes!1951-1955 Blues & Rhythm Classics @1923:09not ratedMP3
Mable HilleryBow Legged RoosterIt's so hard to be a nigger & other rec @3202:36not ratedMP3
Mable HilleryCasey JonesIt's so hard to be a nigger & other rec @3205:11not ratedMP3
Mable HilleryIt's so Hard to be a NiggerIt's so hard to be a nigger & other rec @3202:33not ratedMP3
Mable HilleryKansas CityIt's so hard to be a nigger & other rec @3203:00not ratedMP3
Mable HilleryMourning BluesIt's so hard to be a nigger & other rec @3204:57not ratedMP3
Mable HilleryMr. PresidentIt's so hard to be a nigger & other rec @3203:57not ratedMP3
Mable HilleryOld Bill Rolling PinIt's so hard to be a nigger & other rec @3203:34not ratedMP3
Mable HilleryRide RideIt's so hard to be a nigger & other rec @3202:55not ratedMP3
Mable HilleryRock Me DaddyIt's so hard to be a nigger & other rec @3204:09not ratedMP3
Mable HilleryTrouble in MindIt's so hard to be a nigger & other rec @3204:36not ratedMP3
Mable HilleryUp the Road so NastyIt's so hard to be a nigger & other rec @3202:09not ratedMP3

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