Complete list of bindlestiff's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheOverture : the SorcererBonus Material5:45not ratedFLAC
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, ThePrithee Pretty MaidenPatience (Sargent)2:33not ratedFLAC1962
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheReplying We SingGondoliers, the (Sargent)0:53not ratedFLAC1957
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheRising Early in the MorningGondoliers, the (Sargent)3:09not ratedFLAC1957
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheSad Is That Woman's LotPatience (Sargent)4:48not ratedFLAC1962
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheShameless One, TrembleIolanthe (Sargent)1:44not ratedFLAC1959
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheSilence...All Hail Great JudgeTrial by Jury (Sargent)2:34not ratedFLAC1961
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheSmall Titles and OrdersGondoliers, the (Sargent)2:59not ratedFLAC1957
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheSo Go to Him and Say to HimPatience (Sargent)2:18not ratedFLAC1962
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheSoon as We MayIolanthe (Sargent)2:16not ratedFLAC1959
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheSpurn Not the Nobly BornIolanthe (Sargent)2:16not ratedFLAC1959
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheStill Brooding on Their Mad InfatuationPatience (Sargent)1:07not ratedFLAC1962
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheStrephon's a Member of ParliamentIolanthe (Sargent)1:44not ratedFLAC1959
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheSwear Thou the JuryTrial by Jury (Sargent)1:25not ratedFLAC1961
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheTake a Pair of Sparkling EyesGondoliers, the (Sargent)3:16not ratedFLAC1957
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheTempt Me NotIolanthe (Sargent)0:31not ratedFLAC1959
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheThank You Gallant GondolieriGondoliers, the (Sargent)2:32not ratedFLAC1957
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheThat Seems a Reasonable PropositionTrial by Jury (Sargent)1:02not ratedFLAC1961
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheThat She Is Reeling Is Plain to MeTrial by Jury (Sargent)0:48not ratedFLAC1961
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheThe Lady of My LoveIolanthe (Sargent)1:49not ratedFLAC1959
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheThe Law Is the True EmbodimentIolanthe (Sargent)2:28not ratedFLAC1959
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheThe Question, Gentlemen, Is One of LiquorTrial by Jury (Sargent)1:12not ratedFLAC1961
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheThe Royal PrinceGondoliers, the (Sargent)4:34not ratedFLAC1957
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheThe Soldiers of Our QueenPatience (Sargent)3:24not ratedFLAC1962
Pro Arte Orchestra ; Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, TheThen Away They Go to an Island FairGondoliers, the (Sargent)1:46not ratedFLAC1957

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