Randy Newman (14 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Randy Newman12 Songs 1970FLAC1970not rated30:00
Randy NewmanBad LoveMP36/1/1999not rated9:01
Randy NewmanGood Old BoysFLAC1974not rated33:57
Randy NewmanGood Old BoysCD1974not rated33:54
Randy NewmanGuilty: 30 Years Of Randy Newman (Disc 3)MP31998not rated57:06
Randy NewmanGuilty: 30 Years Of Randy Newman (Disc 4)MP31998not rated50:48
Randy NewmanHarps And AngelsMP38/5/2008not rated8:19
Randy NewmanLittle CriminalsMP31977not rated9:46
Randy NewmanLittle CriminalsFLAC1977not rated38:39
Randy NewmanLittle CriminalsCD1977not rated38:39
Randy NewmanRandy NewmanFLAC1968not rated28:05
Randy NewmanTrouble in ParadiseFLAC1983not rated40:01
Randy NewmanTrouble in ParadiseMP31983not rated12:38
Randy NewmanTruble in ParadiseCD1983not rated39:01