Obray Ramsey (7 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Obray RamseyBlue Ridge Banjo VBRMP3not rated36:42
Obray RamseyBlue Ridge Banjo VBRMP31957not rated36:42
Obray RamseyFolksongs From The Three Laurels @160MP3not rated41:49
Obray RamseyFolksongs From The Three Laurels @160MP3not rated41:48
Obray RamseyMidnight In Memphis (1996) @320MP3not rated56:38
Obray RamseyObray Ramsey Sings Folksongs From The Gateway To The Great SmokiesMP3not rated39:08
Obray RamseySings Folksongs From The Gateways To The Great Smokies @160MP3not rated39:11