Mojo Buford
Harpslinger @320

Mojo Buford - Harpslinger   @320

  • Release date: 2009
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:07:08
  • not rated
  • Added August 22, 2016


1. Everything's Gonna be Alrightnot rated4:06
2. Oh Babynot rated5:53
3. Got My Mojo Workingnot rated4:25
4. Harpslingernot rated5:01
5. I Got My Brand on Younot rated5:19
6. Once Upon a Timenot rated3:31
7. Pink Champagnenot rated2:13
8. Don't Whup Your Wife on a Sundnot rated2:03
9. Why Did She Walk Away?not rated3:12
10. Early One Morningnot rated4:20
11. Champagne & Reefernot rated4:37
12. Upper Mississippi Shufflenot rated4:26
13. Trouble No Morenot rated3:27
14. Blues With a Feelingnot rated5:37
15. Sittin' Here Thinkin'not rated4:14
16. Ghetto Blasternot rated4:44

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