Complete list of bartaloafa's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
RamonesBabysitterLeave Home2:49not ratedCD1977
RamonesBeat On The bratAnthology (Hey Ho Let's Go!)2:32not ratedCD1999
RamonesBeat On The BratRamones2:32not ratedCD1976
RamonesBeat On The BratLoco Live2:14not ratedCD1992
RamonesBeat On The Brat (Live)Leave Home2:36not ratedCD1977
RamonesBlitzkreig BopLoco Live1:44not ratedCD1992
RamonesBlitzkrieg BopAnthology (Hey Ho Let's Go!)2:13not ratedCD1999
RamonesBlitzkrieg BopRamones2:13not ratedCD1976
RamonesBlitzkrieg Bop (Live)Leave Home2:13not ratedCD1977
RamonesBlitzkrieg Bop (Single Version)Ramones2:12not ratedCD1976
RamonesCalifornia SunLeave Home2:07not ratedCD1977
RamonesCalifornia SunAnthology (Hey Ho Let's Go!)2:02not ratedCD1999
RamonesCalifornia Sun (Live)Leave Home1:58not ratedCD1977
RamonesCan't Seem To Make You MineAcid Eaters2:42not ratedCD1994
RamonesCarbona Not GlueLeave Home1:55not ratedCD1977
RamonesCarbona Not GlueAnthology (Hey Ho Let's Go!)1:52not ratedCD1999
RamonesChain SawRamones1:56not ratedCD1976
RamonesChain Saw (Live)Leave Home1:51not ratedCD1977
RamonesChinese RockAnthology (Hey Ho Let's Go!)2:29not ratedCD1999
RamonesChinese RocksLoco Live2:02not ratedCD1992
RamonesCommandoLeave Home1:53not ratedCD1977
RamonesCommandoAnthology (Hey Ho Let's Go!)1:53not ratedCD1999
RamonesCretin HopRocket To Russia1:55not ratedCD1977
RamonesCretin HopAnthology (Hey Ho Let's Go!)1:57not ratedCD1999
RamonesCretin HopLoco Live1:23not ratedCD1992

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