bartaloafa's top 200 artists sorted alphabetically

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10cc 220 Volt AC/DC Accept Aerosmith Alcatrazz Alice In Chains Allman Brothers Band, The Angel Angel Dust Angel Witch Angels, The Anvil Armored Saint Ayreon Bachman Turner Overdrive Bad Company Beatles Beck, Jeff Birth Control Black Crowes Black Sabbath Blackfoot Blue Öyster Cult Boston Bow Wow Bowie, David Browne, Jackson Budgie Buffalo Cactus Camel Cars, The Cathedral Celtic Frost Cheap Trick Chicago Clash Cooper, Alice Cray, Robert Cult Dead Boys Deep Purple Def Leppard Demon Diamond Head Diamond, Neil Dictators Dio Dire Straits Doors Dragonforce Dream Theater Eagles Edguy Electric Light Orchestra Eloy Emerson, Lake & Palmer Enchant Evergrey Firewind Foghat Foreigner Frampton, Peter Free Gallagher, Rory Gamma Genesis Gillan Gilmour, David Golden Earring Gov't Mule Grand Funk Railroad Grave Digger Hagar, Sammy Heart Helloween Hendrix, Jimi Holocaust Humble Pie Iced Earth Iron Maiden James Gang Jane's Addiction Jethro Tull Joel, Billy John, Elton Journey Judas Priest Kansas King Crimson King's X Kinks, The Kiss Krokus Led Zeppelin Legs Diamond Loudness Lucifer's Friend Lynyrd Skynyrd Magnum Malmsteen, Yngwie Manowar Marillion Marino, Frank Mars Volta, The Masters of Reality Max Webster Mercyful Fate Metal Church Metallica Ministry Molly Hatchet Montrose Moody Blues Moore, Gary Mott the Hoople Motörhead Mountain Nazareth Neon Rose Nugent, Ted Opeth Outlaws, The Ozzy Osbourne Pallas Parsons Project, The Alan Pink Floyd Plasmatics Porcupine Tree Praying Mantis Queen Queensryche REO Speedwagon Rainbow Ramones Raven Riot Rods, The Rolling Stones, The Rose Tattoo Roth, Uli Jon Roxy Music Rush SHeavy Samson Savage Savatage Saxon Schenker Group, Michael Scorpions Shooting Star Sortilège Soundgarden Spock's Beard Starz Steely Dan Stone Temple Pilots Stratovarius Styx Supertramp Sweet Tank Taylor, James Ten Years After Tesla Thin Lizzy Threshold Toad Tool Traffic Transatlantic Trapeze Travers, Pat Triumph Trower, Robin Trust Tubes, The Twisted Sister Tygers Of Pan Tang UFO Uriah Heep Van Halen Vandenberg Vardis Various Artists Vaughan & Double Trouble, Stevie Ray W.A.S.P. Walsh, Joe Waters, Roger Whitesnake Who, The Witchfinder General Witchfynde Y & T Yes Young, Neil ZZ Top Zappa, Frank Zebra