1. Animal Chin - The Rest Have Decided | not rated | 2:19 |
2. B. Lee Band - Song #3 | not rated | 0:44 |
3. Boxcar - Nobody's Business | not rated | 2:03 |
4. Boxer - If You Got 'em, Smoke 'em | not rated | 1:11 |
5. Cadillac Blindside - Lack Of Medication | not rated | 3:07 |
6. The Chinkees - Norehapshida | not rated | 1:51 |
7. Co-Ed - Nothingness | not rated | 2:57 |
8. Doc Hopper - Painted Into A Corner | not rated | 2:52 |
9. Donuts N' Glory - Mysterious Thunder | not rated | 1:32 |
10. Dropnickel - Ming Dynasty | not rated | 2:42 |
11. The Fairmonts - Fifteen | not rated | 2:55 |
12. Ferd Mert - Woah Oh | not rated | 2:40 |
13. Fifteen - The Deal | not rated | 1:02 |
14. Fun Size - Tuf Of War | not rated | 1:49 |
15. F.Y.P. - Untamed And Useless | not rated | 1:46 |
16. I Farm - Armchair Hitler | not rated | 1:16 |
17. Jimbo Jones - Cutlass | not rated | 2:17 |
18. Kell's Angels - Being The Cheese | not rated | 2:52 |
19. The Kinship - Geneva | not rated | 2:22 |
20. Less Than Jake - Movin' Right Along | not rated | 1:34 |
21. Lipmonger - Don't Forget About The Ninjas | not rated | 1:36 |
22. Mulligan Stu - Jenny | not rated | 2:03 |
23. My Pal Trigger - Showtown | not rated | 3:26 |
24. Oblivion - Oak Park (Start Making A List) | not rated | 1:36 |
25. Polk High #33 - Dafney | not rated | 1:50 |
26. The Shrooms - Many Miles | not rated | 2:11 |
27. Slow Gherkin - Another In Your Life | not rated | 4:01 |
28. The Smocks - Type Of Pause | not rated | 2:12 |
29. The Stereo - Devotion | not rated | 2:47 |
30. Supergirls - Just Because | not rated | 1:51 |
31. Swap Meet - Bombs Over Minneapolis | not rated | 2:21 |
32. Talmage - Full Circle | not rated | 2:39 |
33. The Tank - In So Many | not rated | 2:52 |
34. The Thumbs - Looking For The Cure | not rated | 2:24 |
35. Tweny Minute Drive - Nothign There | not rated | 2:46 |
1:18:42 |
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