1. Touch My Tooter | not rated | 1:59 |
2. BBATFF | not rated | 1:18 |
3. Hot Douche On My Face | not rated | 1:04 |
4. Knife Thru The Meat Wallet | not rated | 2:11 |
5. I Saw Yer Mom In The Shower, and Now I'm Gay | not rated | 1:36 |
6. Robbie's Wart | not rated | 1:33 |
7. Sean is a Nazi | not rated | 1:53 |
8. All Will Suffer | not rated | 3:00 |
9. You Watch FRIENDS, Fag | not rated | 1:30 |
10. Blood-Drenched Tampon Popcicle | not rated | 1:02 |
11. I Think I Broke Your Hymen (...Whoops) | not rated | 1:10 |
12. Know Yer Role, And Get in the Kitchen Whore | not rated | 1:06 |
13. Hardcpre Breakdowns Are For Pussies | not rated | 1:40 |
14. Hardcpre Breakdowns Are For Pussies (Part II) | not rated | 1:55 |
15. Better Off Without You | not rated | 2:04 |
16. Oral Sex to a Detachable Penis | not rated | 1:50 |
17. Sweet Jesus, She Has a Penis | not rated | 0:29 |
18. Jabba the Hutt | not rated | 2:08 |
19. Communitea | not rated | 0:48 |
20. You Have Big Tits Cuz Yer Fat | not rated | 1:06 |
21. Sodomy Hussein | not rated | 0:38 |
22. You Paid $30 to See Good Charlotte, You Twink Ass Motherfucker | not rated | 1:39 |
23. Bastard Son of a Loaded Gun | not rated | 1:54 |
24. Only Hookers Have Landing Strips | not rated | 3:16 |
25. Yer Spoiler is as Gay as Yer Miada | not rated | 0:30 |
26. Homeo Apathy | not rated | 1:33 |
27. Raining Blood | not rated | 3:49 |
28. Blue Oyster Cunt | not rated | 0:48 |
29. With the Sickness | not rated | 1:00 |
30. Mallgoths Theme | not rated | 1:06 |
31. Bob Marley Was a Straight-Edge Revolutionary | not rated | 0:50 |
32. Yer Feet Smell, Take Those Dead Fish Off | not rated | 1:23 |
33. You Watch Chick Flicks Without a Chick, Faggo | not rated | 1:10 |
34. Your Family's Not Worth Living | not rated | 1:30 |
35. This World Is Mine | not rated | 2:57 |
36. Stray Cunt Strut | not rated | 0:40 |
| 56:24 |
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