Complete list of aey's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
REO SpeedwagonThe Second Decade of Rock and Roll 1981 to 1991CD1991not rated1:16:14
REO SpeedwagonWheels Are Turnin'CD1984not rated39:31
REO SpeedwagonYou Can Tune A Piano, But You Can't Tuna FishCD1978not rated33:45
Restless HeartGreatest HitsCD1998not rated1:01:28
Return To ForeverRomantic WarriorCD1976not rated45:35
Richard HarrisA Tramp ShiningCD1968not rated31:54
Richard MarxGreatest HitsCD1997not rated1:14:40
Richard MarxPaid VacationCD1993not rated1:00:07
Richard MarxRepeat OffenderCD1989not rated49:24
Richard MarxRichard MarxCD1987not rated45:23
Richie HavensRichie Havens Sings Beatles And DylanCD1987not rated1:12:59
Richie SamboraUndiscovered SoulCD1998not rated1:01:08
Rick AstleyHold Me In Your ArmsCD1988not rated38:48
Rick AstleyTogether Forever : The Best Of Rick Astley2CD2007not rated2:28:08
Rick AstleyWhenever You Need SomebodyCD1987not rated37:20
Rick DerringerAll American BoyCD1973not rated40:07
Rick DerringerRock And Roll Hoochie Koo - The Best OfCD1996not rated1:03:09
Rick NelsonThe Best of Rick Nelson 1963 - 1975CD1990not rated42:03
Rick SpringfieldHard To HoldCD1984not rated36:05
Rick SpringfieldLiving In OzCD1983not rated39:23
Rick SpringfieldPlatinum & Gold CollectionCD2003not rated43:59
Rick SpringfieldThe Best Of Rick SpringfieldCD1999not rated1:00:55
Rick SpringfieldThe Day After YesterdayCD2005not rated1:10:39
Rick SpringfieldThe Encore CollectionCD1997not rated32:55
Rick SpringfieldVH-1 Behind The Music: The Rick Springfield CollectionCD2001not rated1:07:39

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