Follow The Leader

Korn - Follow The Leader

  • Release date: 1998
  • Genre: Alternative
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 1:10:08
  • not rated
  • Added April 2, 2023


1. ---not rated0:05
2. ---not rated0:05
3. ---not rated0:05
4. ---not rated0:05
5. ---not rated0:05
6. ---not rated0:05
7. ---not rated0:05
8. ---not rated0:05
9. ---not rated0:05
10. ---not rated0:05
11. ---not rated0:05
12. ---not rated0:05
13. It's Onnot rated4:28
14. Freak On A Leashnot rated4:15
15. Got The Lifenot rated3:45
16. Dead Bodies Everywherenot rated4:44
17. Children of The Korn [featuring Ice Cube]not rated3:52
18. B B Knot rated3:56
19. Prettynot rated4:12
20. All In The Family [featuring Fred Durst]not rated4:48
21. Reclaim My Placenot rated4:32
22. Justinnot rated4:17
23. Seednot rated5:54
24. Cameltosis [featuring Tre Hardson]not rated4:38
25. My Gift To You / Earache My Eyenot rated15:42

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