Naked Eyes
The Best of Naked Eyes

Naked Eyes - The Best of Naked Eyes

  • Release date: 1991
  • Genre: Pop
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 58:21
  • not rated
  • Added September 23, 2004


1. Always Something There to Remind Menot rated3:43
2. Emotion in Motionnot rated4:42
3. Voices in My Headnot rated3:48
4. Low Lifenot rated3:56
5. Flag of Conveniencenot rated4:11
6. Eyes of a Childnot rated3:38
7. (What) In the Name of Lovenot rated4:27
8. Promises, Promisesnot rated3:51
9. Sacrificenot rated4:09
10. No Flowers Pleasenot rated4:04
11. Flying Solonot rated4:32
12. I Could Show You Hownot rated3:26
13. Could Benot rated2:52
14. Burning Bridgesnot rated3:38
15. Fortune and Famenot rated3:18

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