Sandy Denny
The Best of Sandy Denny: 16 of her Greatest Recordings

Sandy Denny - The Best of Sandy Denny: 16 of her Greatest Recordings

  • Release date: 1987
  • Genre: Folk
  • Format: CD
  • Category: folk
  • Duration: 1:13:26
  • not rated
  • Added January 2, 2008


1. Listen, Listen [1972]not rated3:58
2. The Lady [1972]not rated4:02
3. One Way Donkey Ride [1977]not rated3:37
4. It'll Take a Long Time [1972]not rated5:12
5. Farewell, Farewell [1969]not rated2:38
6. Tam Lin [1969]not rated7:13
7. The Pond And The Stream [1970]not rated3:18
8. Late November [1970]not rated4:33
9. Solo [1973]not rated4:24
10. The Sea [1970]not rated5:33
11. The Banks of The Nile [1970]not rated7:57
12. Next Time Around [1971]not rated4:22
13. For Shame of Doing Wrong (I Wish I Was A Fool For You Again) [1977]not rated3:42
14. Stranger to Himself [1975]not rated2:52
15. I'm a Dreamer [1977]not rated4:49
16. Who Knows Where The Time Goes [1969]not rated5:06

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