Complete list of tony's songs

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Artist Label Title Album Released Duration Format
Dr. JohnBlue NoteOn The Wrong Side Of The Railroad TracksDuke Elegant20005:42CD
Dr. JohnTripOne Night LateDr. John's 16 Greatest Hits19762:20LP
Dr. JohnAtcoPeace Brother PeaceIn The Right Place19732:47LP
Dr. JohnBlue NotePerdidoDuke Elegant20005:49CD
Dr. JohnClean CutsPinetopDr. John Plays Mac Rebennack20023:15CD
Dr. JohnAtcoQualifiedIn The Right Place19734:46LP
Dr. JohnHorizonRainCity Lights19784:46LP
Dr. JohnWarner Special ProductsRight Place Wrong TimeHeavy Metal - Vol. 219742LP
Dr. JohnAtcoRight Place, Wrong TimeIn The Right Place19732:50LP
Dr. JohnClean CutsSaintsDr. John Plays Mac Rebennack20024:47CD
Dr. JohnAtcoSame Old Same OldIn The Right Place19732:39LP
Dr. JohnBlue NoteSatin DollDuke Elegant20004:46CD
Dr. JohnTripShe's Just A SquareDr. John's 16 Greatest Hits19763:08LP
Dr. JohnAtcoShoo Fly Marches OnIn The Right Place19733:15LP
Dr. JohnTripShooraDr. John's 16 Greatest Hits19764:16LP
Dr. JohnClean CutsSilent NightDr. John Plays Mac Rebennack20023:43CD
Dr. JohnHorizonSnake EyesCity Lights19786:44LP
Dr. JohnBlue NoteSolitudeDuke Elegant20005:05CD
Dr. JohnAlligatorSomebody Changed The LockDr. John's Gumbo19722:43LP
Dr. JohnHorizonSonata/He's A HeroCity Lights19785:20LP
Dr. JohnColumbiaSplish SplashIn Harmony 219814:17LP
Dr. JohnAlligatorStack-A-LeeDr. John's Gumbo19723:29LP
Dr. JohnHorizonStreet SideCity Lights19786:01LP
Dr. JohnAtcoSuch a NightIn The Right Place19732:55LP
Dr. JohnElektra/NonesuchTake Me Out To The BallgameBaseball : A Film By Ken Burns19942:53CD

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