Complete list of tony's songs

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Artist Label Title Album Released Duration Format
QuarterflashGSAFind Another FoolSummer Fun - Vol. 11963LP
QuarterflashGeffenGrace Under FireBack Into Blue19855:26LP
QuarterflashGeffenHarden My HeartQuarterflash19813:52LP
QuarterflashGeffenI Want To Believe It's YouBack Into Blue19853:52LP
QuarterflashGeffenIt All Becomes ClearTake Another Picture19852:20LP
QuarterflashGeffenIt Don't Move MeTake Another Picture19854:09LP
QuarterflashGeffenJust For YouBack Into Blue19854:59LP
QuarterflashGeffenLove Should Be So KindQuarterflash19813:12LP
QuarterflashGeffenLove Without A Net (You Keep Falling)Back Into Blue19854:09LP
QuarterflashGeffenMake It ShineTake Another Picture19854:09LP
QuarterflashGeffenNowhere Left To HideTake Another Picture19854:02LP
QuarterflashGeffenOne More Round To GoTake Another Picture19853:41LP
QuarterflashGeffenRight Kind Of LoveQuarterflash19813:52LP
QuarterflashGeffenShakin' The JinxTake Another Picture19854:55LP
QuarterflashGeffenShaneTake Another Picture19854:33LP
QuarterflashGeffenTake Another PictureTake Another Picture19854:29LP
QuarterflashGeffenTake Me To HeartTake Another Picture19853:32LP
QuarterflashGeffenTalk To MeBack Into Blue19855:00LP
QuarterflashGeffenTry To Make It TrueQuarterflash19813:38LP
QuarterflashGeffenWalking On IceBack Into Blue19853:48LP
QuarterflashGeffenWelcome To The CityBack Into Blue19854:11LP
QuarterflashGeffenWilliams AvenueQuarterflash19817:56LP
QuatermassHarvestBlack Sheep Of The FamilyQuatermass19703:38LP

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