Complete list of tony's songs

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Artist Label Title Album Released Duration Format
Motley CrueBeyond/MotleyWild SideLive (Entertainment Or Death)19995:522CD
Motley CrueMotleyRecords/BeyondWild SideGirls, Girls, Girls19994:43CD
Motley CrueElektraWild SideDecade Of Decadence '81-'9119914:40CD
Motley CrueMotleyRecords/BeyondWild Side (Rough Mix Of Instrumental Track)Girls, Girls, Girls19994:08CD
Motley CrueBeyond/MotleyWithout YouLive (Entertainment Or Death)19993:052CD
Motley CrueMotleyRecords/BeyondYou're All I NeedGirls, Girls, Girls19994:35CD
Mott The HoopleColumbiaAliceThe Hoople19745:17LP
Mott The HoopleColumbiaAll The Way From MemphisGreatest Hits19763:25LP
Mott The HoopleColumbiaAll The Way From MemphisMott19734:59LP
Mott The HoopleColumbia/LegacyAll the Way to MemphisSuper Hits19974:59CD
Mott The HoopleColumbia/LegacyAll the Young DudesSuper Hits19973:31CD
Mott The HoopleColumbiaAll The Young DudesAll The Young Dudes19723:32LP
Mott The HoopleColumbiaAll The Young DudesGreatest Hits19763:33LP
Mott The HoopleColumbia/LegacyAll the Young DudesRock: The Train Kept A Rollin'19993:332CD
Mott The HoopleAtlanticAngel Of Eighth AvenueWildlife19714:33LP
Mott The HoopleAtlanticAt The CrossroadsMott The Hoople19705:33LP
Mott The HoopleAtlanticBacksliding FearlesslyMott The Hoople19703:46LP
Mott The HoopleColumbiaBallad Of MottGreatest Hits19765:23LP
Mott The HoopleColumbiaBallad Of Mott The Hoople (March 26, 1972- Zurich)Mott19735:24LP
Mott The HoopleColumbiaBorn Late '58Greatest Hits19763:59LP
Mott The HoopleColumbiaBorn Late '58The Hoople19743:58LP
Mott The HoopleColumbiaCrash Street KiddsThe Hoople19744:31LP
Mott The HoopleColumbia/LegacyCrash Street KidsSuper Hits19974:30CD
Mott The HoopleAtlanticDeath May Be Your Santa ClausRock And Roll Queen19744:50LP
Mott The HoopleColumbiaDrivin' SisterMott19733:51LP

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