Complete list of tony's songs

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Artist Label Title Album Released Duration Format
Led ZeppelinAtlanticBring It On HomeLed Zeppelin II19694:20CD
Led ZeppelinAtlanticBring It On HomeBox Set 219934:20CD box set
Led ZeppelinAtlanticBring It On HomeHow The West Was Won20039:293CD
Led ZeppelinAtlanticBron-Y-Aur StompBox Set19904:17CD box set
Led ZeppelinAtlanticBron-Yr-AurBox Set 219932:06CD box set
Led ZeppelinSwan SongBron-yr-aurPhysical Graffiti19752:062CD
Led ZeppelinAtlanticBron-Yr-Aur StompLed Zeppelin III19704:16CD
Led ZeppelinAtlanticBron-yr-aur StompHow The West Was Won20034:523CD
Led ZeppelinAtlanticCandy Store RockBox Set19904:07CD box set
Led ZeppelinSwan SongCandy Store RockPresence20004:11CD
Led Zeppelin(bootleg)Candy Store Rock1977 Concert19774LP
Led ZeppelinSwan SongCarouselambraIn Through The Out Door197910:34CD
Led ZeppelinAtlanticCarouselambraBox Set 2199310:31CD box set
Led ZeppelinAtlanticCelebration DayBox Set19903:28CD box set
Led ZeppelinSwan SongCelebration DayThe Song Remains The Same19763:492CD
Led ZeppelinBerkeleyCelebration DayOn Tour - 197319732LP
Led ZeppelinTdolzCelebration DayHot August Night19714:132CD
Led ZeppelinAtlanticCelebration DayRemasters19903:28CD box set
Led ZeppelinAtlanticCelebration DayLed Zeppelin III19703:29CD
Led ZeppelinTdolzCommunication BreakdownHot August Night19710:572CD
Led ZeppelinAtlanticCommunication BreakdownThe Best Of Led Zeppelin, Volume 1 (Early Days)19992:28CD
Led ZeppelinYelping DogCommunication BreakdownStroll On!19694:17CD
Led ZeppelinAtlanticCommunication BreakdownLed Zeppelin I19692:31CD
Led ZeppelinAtlanticCommunication BreakdownBox Set19902:28CD box set
Led ZeppelinPhoenixCommunication BreakdownAnother White Summer19703:13CD

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