Complete list of queenmania's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Matsumoto ReijiCosmos DreamQueen Millennia3:25not ratedLP12/1981
Matsumoto ReijiQueen MillenniaQueen Millennia4:29not ratedLP12/1981
Matsumoto ReijiTime Has Come, Time Has PassedQueen Millennia5:17not ratedLP12/1981
Matsumoto ReijiTrack 03Queen Millennia3:45not ratedLP12/1981
Matsumoto ReijiTrack 04Queen Millennia3:56not ratedLP12/1981
Matsumoto ReijiTrack 05Queen Millennia4:16not ratedLP12/1981
Matsumoto ReijiTrack 06Queen Millennia4:24not ratedLP12/1981
Matsumoto ReijiTrack 07Queen Millennia4:24not ratedLP12/1981
Matsumoto ReijiTrack 08Queen Millennia3:23not ratedLP12/1981
Matsumoto ReijiTrack 09Queen Millennia5:45not ratedLP12/1981
Matsumoto ReijiTrack 10Queen Millennia5:11not ratedLP12/1981
Matthew MontfortAmberGuitar Works2:11not ratedCD1992
Maura O'ConnellDown By The Salley GardensCeltic Woman 33:40not ratedCD10/9/2007
Max Yasgur(Untitled)Woodstock0:43not rated4 CD set1985
Máire Ní Chathasaigh & Chris NewmanAn Páistín Fionn / La Valse d'HasperrenThe Living Wood4:14not ratedCD1995
Máire Ní Chathasaigh & Chris NewmanBaptist JohnstonThe Carolan Albums2:20not ratedCD1994
Máire Ní Chathasaigh & Chris NewmanBeating Around The BushThe Living Wood2:26not ratedCD1995
Máire Ní Chathasaigh & Chris NewmanBob McQuillan's / Sonny Brogan'sThe Living Wood3:11not ratedCD1995
Máire Ní Chathasaigh & Chris NewmanBridget CruiseThe Carolan Albums2:45not ratedCD1994
Máire Ní Chathasaigh & Chris NewmanCaitlín Níi Aedaha / The Sport Of The ChaseThe Living Wood3:27not ratedCD1995
Máire Ní Chathasaigh & Chris NewmanCarolan's ConcertoThe Carolan Albums3:10not ratedCD1994
Máire Ní Chathasaigh & Chris NewmanCarolan's DraughtThe Carolan Albums2:56not ratedCD1994
Máire Ní Chathasaigh & Chris NewmanCharlie Hunter's / Peggy's Leg / Fogery's JigThe Living Wood3:21not ratedCD1995
Máire Ní Chathasaigh & Chris NewmanColonel John IrwinThe Carolan Albums4:03not ratedCD1994
Máire Ní Chathasaigh & Chris NewmanColonel John IrwinCeltic Treasure - The Legacy Of Turlough O'Carolan4:03not ratedCD1996

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